Dec 14
…but such is not the case. 🙂 I’ve just been so hard at work that I’ve been negligent in posting updates for the past month or so. Sorry! Here’s a quick list of some of the things I’ve been working on:
- Implementing the editors’ suggestions and marks into the final manuscript.
- Meeting with various people who are helping with the project – editors, a marketing advisor, my interior page designer, etc.
- Gathering pre-publication endorsements.
- Creating a Pajama School Fact Sheet.
- Designing a new website/blog for Pajama School (soon to be live!).
- Opening a bank account for Sibro Publishing.
- Opening a PayPal account for Sibro Publishing (I’m linking to it in case you want to make a donation to the cause 🙂 ).
- Setting up an Amazon Advantage account so that I can sell Pajama School on Amazon.
- Acquiring a business license from our city.
- Thinking and praying a lot!
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